Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Look Good... Feel Better

I've been looking for a group to volunteer with for a good long while, trying to figure out how I can help improve peoples quality of life with my makeup and skincare tips. I was lucky to meet a woman while I was working who was affiliated with the group Look Good... Feel Better. I had never heard of them, have you?

Long story short, I went and was certified to run these classes for cancer patients. I will teach them makeup and skincare tips and practices so they can feel great about themselves. Donations are sent by many companies and each participant is given a (product neutral) makeup kit to take home with them. I am so pumped to start! I found out that this program is run internationally by the American Cancer Society and anyone can sign up to help, not just licensed estheticians, like me.

Sound like something you'd be interested in? if you're not licensed you can go to these classes and provide moral support, set up the stations for the participants and just lend a hand. If you feel this is something you'd like to do, or that you'd like to volunteer Look Good... Feel Better or for one of the many other programs offered, here are some resources to help you on your way.


I'll keep you up to date on how it goes!

You want to see something cool?

Check out my new website! Home to my portfolio of work, feel free to check it out. (aka please, please check it out!) 


Many, many, many thanks to my friend Kristin Klock for designing my website and making it work! She is the BEST! Check out her site and don't rest until you can work with her yourself. 


I'm going to keep this blog up and running so check back often for makeup and skincare tips, plus behind the scenes info from the shoot's I've been working on. Just our little secret. 

It's November! Get out your lip chap!

As soon as October hit I started noticing my lips chapping. I'm in california so it's not like it's cold.. I blame it on the temperature changes (we've been going up and down) and it's been windy. Well the other day a friend asked me how to get rid of her chapped lips and it motivated this post. There are a few things I do to remedy the situation. I choose between them based on the amount of time I have and the tools I have on hand.

I always start with a lip balm layered on thick. Let it sit while you ready your (few) supplies. Chose one of the following:

Toothbrush - Buy a soft bristled toothbrush to keep on hand. Wipe off your lip balm after 5 min or so. Wet the tooth brunch and use it to gently scrub your lips. Make small circles across both lips, twice. Check it out! soft and naturally flushed lips.

Washcloth - Dampen washcloth. Scrub gently in small circles across both lips. You'll end up as good as new!

Homemade Brown Sugar Scrub - Mix the following together in a resealable container and use it anywhere you need to exfoliate. It will leave your skin feeling amazingly soft.
1 cup Dark Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or substitute your oil of choice)
1 tablespoon honey

One of the best times to exfoliate is after a shower. Put the lip balm on before you get in and do a lip scrub once you're out.
Remember to never scrub roughly! You could tear new skin which is going to lead to more chapping.

Happy scrubbing!