Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone has been having a lovely holiday season. I got to go spend time with my family and that made my year! Now to start making new goals for 2013. 'Tis the season to be new year dreaming.



Friday, December 21, 2012

Art Smith will shake up your taste buds with this yummy recipe

I was a bit starstruck with Chef Art when I saw him. I've watched him on TV many times and he seems  extremely knowledgable and friendly. Still I wasn't expecting him to be one of the nicest people to work with OF ALL TIME. He was so kind to everyone, even slicing up the monkey bread for the crew and bringing me a piece! What a nice guy. He actually reminded me of a relative of mine so I liked him even more :)

This is seriously YUMMY. I suggest trying it this holiday season!

Holiday Desert: Monkey Bread with cranberry and orange

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This makes me so happy guys. Extremely yummy food, incredibly happy and loving people, fun and MAKEUP!

I've been working on some cooking TV shows and this one was just great to work on. Chloe and Roberto were the best! Seriously. Check out their recipes for SANDWICHES. Amazing, spectacular, award winning sandwiches. Vegan Ruben (Loved by Ellen & Portia) and this crazy indian influenced panini that blew our minds on set. Make these at home! For real.

Mango Masala Panini and Vegan Rueben

Saturday, December 15, 2012

"Make doughnuts, not war" with Chloe Coscarelli

Another video brought to you from Chloe Coscarelli and Hungry Channel. This time? Doughnuts!!

I had a great time working with Chloe (as usual) and an even better time eating these tasty baked, vegan doughnuts. The day got even better when Chef Roberto stopped by to help with his adorable son, Jackson. Check out the segment with the full recipe Here

Monday, December 10, 2012

My favorite inexpensive beauty buys

Milani - One of my favorite drugstore brands. It has high pigment so you get an amazing color payoff! The color range is amazing and they constantly come out with new things that are popular in the prestige lines. My top favorites are their lip gloss, lipstick, liquid eyeliner and glitter nail polishes.

Sonia Kashuk Brushes - I love these brushes! They are great for personal use, cruelty free and high quality. I especially like their Medium Fluffy Eyeshadow Brush, which is the perfect size for a multitude of eyeshadow styles. 

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream SPF 15 - I love this line from Neutrogena. It contains a small amount of Retinol, which will improve the appearance and texture of aging skin if used long term. It's also fragrance free, non comedogenic, hypoallergenic and oil free, all of my favorite skin care terms.  I suggest using a lighter moisturizer by day with a higher SPF (Like this one) and wearing the cream at night. General rule of thumb, if you're not yet 30, don't tan excessivly and don't see any signs of skin aging, stick to lightweight moisturizer with SPF and an eye cream, no anti-aging products needed.

Cetaphil - Come on, you know you've heard this one before. There are so many attractive and enticing lines out there to use and this isn't the most fancy or popular one but trust, it does everything you need a cleanser to do and it's under $10. It's all the good skincare words (fragrance free, non comedogenic, hypoallergenic and oil free) plus inexpensive and great for your skin.

Loreal True match Foundation - I love this foundation! They have made it so easy to match your skin color by making each shade in a Cool, Neutral and Warm shade. Really what that breaks down to is, is your skin pinkish, yellowish, or neither aka neutral. The best thing about it is Rite Aid, CVS and other major drug stores are allowing cosmetic returns these days, making it very easy for you to choose the shade you think is correct and take it home to try it out. If it's not right, take it back and try again. Your shade is out there, you just have to find it. Remember, the correct shade will disappear when you put it on! Ideally you wont be able to see it on your skin at all! Take a look at in in indoor and outdoor light to be sure, that way you avoid the dreaded visible foundation line at your jaw.

Revlon Lipstick - I have been a fan of Revlon's ColorStay Overtime line for years now! It is phenomenal! Lasts as long as you need it to and sometimes longer. The key is to exfoliate your lips before application and to apply it quick! Use a lipliner first if that'll help you get it in place before it dries. I like to scrape the excess lipstick off of the want and then apply, that way I can build the color. Also fab about this brand, Gucci Westman is their creative director! She is everything!

Loreal Mascara - All or Loreal's mascara's are perfection. No matter if  you need a lash building or a lengthening product, they've got it and this brand is #1. Try Voluminous False Lashes, my favorite!

What are your favorite bargain buys? Share your thoughts with me Here, or Here!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wedding Bliss!

My friends Lauren and Matt are featured on Style Me Pretty today! They were so nice to credit my makeup as well! (Lauren is wearing Temptu S/B foundation, lot's of individual lashes and tons of happiness.) This wedding was above and beyond, every detail was so personal and well planned and just lovely. I was thrilled to be involved and to share in their happiness. Share the joy and check out the link below for the full photo album! 


"If getting married in the place where this Bride’s adorable hubby got on one knee isn’t sweet enough, the rest of the details in this Michigan fête from Stevie B Photography will surely have you beside yourself. It’s just all so darling, so personal and so be-yond pretty. With happy pops of yellow around every corner and one oh so happy couple, it’s safe to say you’ll want to spend some time in this gallery today."